How Hearing Loss Affects Your Memory
Hearing loss can be a frustrating and concerning experience. You may worry that you are starting to not just lose your hearing, but your connections to the world around you. Some people with hearing loss might notice that they are struggling with memory loss as well.
Do I Have Dementia?
Hearing loss is a risk factor for dementia, so it’s understandable that you might wonder if problems with your memory are an early sign that something is wrong. If you have any concerns, or have noticed other symptoms, you should reach out to your doctor. However, memory problems are often caused when your hearing loss makes it more difficult for your brain to retain information.
Effect of Hearing Loss on Memory
Studies have shown that hearing loss is associated with reduced memory capacity. This is because people with untreated hearing loss must concentrate much harder to recognize sounds. This is especially true in louder environments where even people with normal hearing can struggle. This can be anywhere from a crowded concert venue to a busy restaurant like 44 North.
In situations like these, people with hearing loss are putting so much effort into simply trying to understand what is being said. This causes them to have less mental energy to put towards remembering information.
Improve Your Memory and Hearing

If you believe that your memory issues are related to your hearing loss, call an audiologist and make an appointment for a hearing test today. A hearing test is a simple, painless evaluation that will give you same day results. Some things your audiologist will test for include:
- How your ears respond to loud sounds
- The quietest sound you can hear at different pitches
- How well you can hear speech
- The movement capacity of your eardrum
- What type of hearing loss you have
If you do have hearing loss, your audiologist will likely recommend hearing aids. Hearing aids make it so you don’t have to work as hard to hear, which should make it easier to also remember what you heard. To maximize the benefits of your hearing aids, make sure to wear them as prescribed and reach out to your audiologist if you have any issues with your device.
For more information or to schedule an appointment for a comprehensive audiological evaluation, call DeFatta Hearing Aid Experts today.